Wednesday, March 24, 2010


hehe goin hunting for a laptop, im sure this is related to this paper somehow, im sure it will help with my ouccupational performance... =)


This weeks web community i have researched was Trade me. The brief focus of this community is to enable individuals to share and trade with others within New Zealand, and outbid other potential buyers. The cite is provided in the way that you can log on to it and have your personal page and you are abel to save the things you want to buy to a 'watch list', this lets yo know when an item is going to sell and for how much and individuals are able to receive emails offering a buy now price on an item, you can accept or decline. People can contribute by asking questions to the seller and the seller should answer the questions about an item. Other ways people contribute are buy obviously selling and buying; the purpose of the whole cite. People contribute ideas and comments and feelings too. trade me is another medium in which people stay in touch and find out more about what is out there and how to get hold of it. This cite offers a wide spectrum of things to buy. Individuals seek to find a great deal, I do! people ask question on the quality of an item, "how long have yo had it; how well does it work, any scratches" general questions are often asked and the seller answers to the best of their ability. The potential ethical issues arise when a person it unhappy about a trade, and the buyer comments to the seller and says anything they like. At this stage, all the information is visible to anyone who uses Trade Me. In the sellers defense, he/she will say "it worked fine when i shipped it to you". Others are able to see the argument escalate, giving insight as to how trustworthy the seller is, and or how picky the buyer is. The lack of identity is occasionally an issue, but the buyer has the choice to buy from someone who has not had their address verified etc. The benifits of this community and trading cite are, in my opinion, you save time on shopping and looking all around the shop, you save travel costs, trade me is simplistic to use and be a part of. lastly it offers pricing of items that retailers cant possible match. Location is an issue that has been minimized through Trade me, as anyone can but anything from anywhere. I suppose this community lacks a true sense of acceptance, recognition, efficacy, and community as a whole.

TUT 4-5

Following last week, we have ben learning about the film techniques involved in creationg our own small videos. The idea is to gain an understanding about how videos are used and the different ways to go about this. This week we are in groups making our own short clip; involving a problem and a solution. Using occupational therapy as the topic, we have an occupational difficulty and a diagnostic solution... tomorrow we will use our story boards to help lead us in the correct direction.

Wednesday, March 3, 2010


This TUT was about blogging, adding a badge, and templates ect. blog profile, outline, title, blogger profile picture? it shed a bunch of light on the applications and processes of the blogging world:) it was a tad tricky to start off with, but became easier.


It was essentially about cameras and definitions, mega pixels and all that. Pretty interesting:) issues with digital storage, "privacy and copyright" The essentials of a good camera are the amount of pixels it has; the more the merrier. however, film cameras are more hands on and generally have a better picture quality. Digital information can be stored on ipod, computer, cellphones, photo shop. The ethical issues are that you need to ask for ones permission to pout their picture up etc. The ways in which digital cameras can be used in the clinical setting are to show; therapeutic activities, ones improving ROM over time, before and after shots, equipment needed, compensation for those who don't have the ability of speech. We were told the difference between digital and optical zoom, the more optical zoom the better!


hehe got a badge
Finally figured out how to use this gadgetty thingy. and the 1st blog:) not use to all this technology.... :)